Reflect. Heal. Grow.
People seek counseling for many different reasons: to work through a crisis, cope with life changes, heal from past trauma, work on relationships, pursue personal growth, and much more.
Whether you are dealing with anxiety, depression, grief, or seeking emotional healing in some area of your life, I can help you! Through counseling, I will give you the tools you need to reflect, heal, and grow… leading you to a healthier, more abundant future.
I work with people dealing with a variety of issues. Are you looking for help with one of these issues?
How do you know when you are you depressed versus just feeling sad?
Anxiety and Stress
Anxiety and stress limit many people’s ability to work, socialize, parent, and function in society.
Weight and Body Image
We live in a weight-obsessed society consumed with diets and exercise. If you struggle with weight and body image, you are not alone! Many people—children, teens, and adults—deal with this issue. Are you one of them?
How Can I Possibly Relax?
What do you think of when you hear the word “relaxation?” Does relaxation sound like an indulgent luxury or a practice that is crucial for your well being? Research shows that taking time to relax through simple and short practices has huge mental and physical...
Managing Expectations During Uncertain Times
As we tentatively resume activities and ease social restrictions, it is natural to feel stressed and uncertain. We don’t know what the path forward looks like. Many have imagined what this path “should” look like. There is often a disconnection between what we believe...
Driven to Distraction
Our lives are full of distractions. These distractions may be internal, external, or a combination of both. External distractions include sounds, physical sensations, or sights such as seeing a person walk by. Internal distractions include various thoughts and...